Ten reasons why you should use Aloe Vera in 2021
Ten reasons why you should use Aloe Vera in 2021!
The holidays are behind us. The best time of the year, nevertheless, a stressful time for us all. Long days, lots of appointments and unhealthy eating. To keep it simple and to stay fit and healthy is not always easy after these days. That is why we have created a list on why you should use Aloe Vera in 2019.
Aloe Vera can strengthen the immune system and can help you to stay fit.
During these cold days it is important to pay attention to your immune system and your health. Scientific studies show strong immunomodulatory and tumor-inhibiting properties of aloe vera’s polysaccharides. In other words, the gel helps to bring the immune system back on track, while they can simultaneously destroy cancer tumors. But Aloe Vera can not only strengthen the immune system, it also strengthens the nerves, so that stress can be better coped with. It contains 20 different types of amino acids, which are necessary for the body and for its own synthesis. Minerals such as calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, copper and zinc were found in the aloe vera plant. In addition, Aloe Vera contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, folic acid and niacin. Some of these vitamins are not in high enough quanities for the human body, so we need to supplement these regularly through our diet. Therefore we advise a daily doses of Aloe Vera juice. Click here for the source
We from Curaloe have created our own Aloe Vera Health Juice with Pure Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera stimulates digestion, lowers cholesterol levels and cleans intestinal flora
Who does not know this uncomfortable feeling in your stomach after the holidays. You feel clogged, overfilled and sluggish by all the delicious food. In this situation the Aloe Vera can help you a lot! The Aloe Vera can help the body to clean the digestive system after regular use. The regular drinking of aloe vera juice from pure Aloe Vera gel can improve the bowel uniformity. The Aloe Vera juice has natural and detoxifying abilities, so it leads to a feeling of well-being in your intestines after regular intake. The polysaccharides in the aloe vera plant have a healing effect on many digestive disorders. The Internet is a pure treasure chamber of information and reports that Aloe Vera helps against Curative Syndrome, Gastric ulcers, Crohn's disease and other digestive disorders. It can also improves the quality of the blood and helps to balance its chemical composition so that cholesterol and total triglycerides (when the blood values levels reach too high) are reduced. Click here for the source
For the complaints above we recommend our Pure Aloe Vera Health Juice.
Aloe Vera can help with skin diseases
Aloe Vera can also help you with skin diseases. Whether it is acne, eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis: Aloe Vera nourishes and heals the skin. The juice of aloe vera cools, moisturizes and can relieve skin irritation and diseases. In the case of skin diseases, we advise to drink a doses of pure aloe vera juice, aswell as applying the aloe vera on the affected areas. Click here for the source
We from Curaloe have a special All-purpose cream with pure Aloe Vera who helps with skin diseases. -
Aloe Vera can nourishes and accelerates wound healing
Unfortunately, we are not protected by injuries. To speed up the healing process, it is recommended to have Aloe Vera gel in your house. All those burns treated with Aloe Vera healed three days faster than those treated with silver sulfadiazine. Aloe Vera Gel has 12 natural substances that have been known to inhibit these inflammations without having side effects. When the aloe vera dries, it pulls the tissue together, closes the wound and keeps it free from bacteria. In addition, it feeds the wound tissue itself. By the way, aloe vera is healthy for the mouth and the gums, because it cures tooth decay. Click here for the source
For an accelerating wound healing proces we recommend our Body gel with 95% Pure Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera can help with joint diseases
Nobody wants problems with their flexibility because of sore joints the first days of 2017. Afther the holidays your pain is stilll there because you continue doing things on automatic pilot. Aloe Vera can help you! Aloe Vera Gel has 12 natural substances that have been shown to inhibit these inflammations without having side effects. Aloe supports joint and muscle mobility. Click here for the source
Aloe Vera can help with rheumatism and atherosclerosis and reduces heart attacks
Rheumatism and arteriosclerosis are related. Both are diseases that can lead to heart attack and a stroke.The fact is that Aloe Vera can reverse "greasy blood". At the same time it makes the blood able to transport more oxygen and reduces the chance of having a heart attack or a stroke. It also lowers high blood pressure. If you are taking Aloe Vera juice regularly, you can prevent or reduce the chance of illness, which is of course very useful after the holiday season Click here for the source
Aloe Vera can help to prevent wrinkles
Aloe is one of the most widely used ingredients in high-quality skin care products. Not without reason: it is a wonderful medicine for the skin! Aloe soothes the skin, moisturizes it, nourishes and accelerates the regeneration of new skin tissue. With the help of Aloe Vera's nutritional building blocks, the skin can absorb these nutrients daily and contribute to combating the effects of aging! Because everybody deserves to hear compliments about looking young and fresh. Click here for the source
To prevent wrinkles we recommend our Curaloe Anti-Wrinkle Cream. -
Aloe Vera nourishes and protects the skin
Cold days will take its toll on the skin. It becomes dry and cracked. Aloe vera increases the fibroblast function. Fibroblasts are small cells that are responsible for the formation of collagen. They also have the function to assist with regards to the relief of light burns, cuts, scrapes, sands and skin irritations. Outwardly applied, aloe is a very good wound cover. It seals the wound and strengthens the blood flow into the wound so that it heals faster. Aloe is known for curing third-degree burns without leaving scars and restoring of burnt skin tissue that would normally have perished. Click here for the source
To moisturise your skin we recommend our Body lotion.
Aloe Vera can stop inflammation
The local application of Aloe Vera is a proven remedy for the relief of inflammation. Aloe is effective in both internal and external application. Those who drink Aloe Vera juice for two weeks usually notice a significant reduction in inflammation symptoms. Of course, if you continue to eat anti-inflammatory foods (red meat, milk, sugar, white flour, deep-fried, etc.), it will be harder to get rid of the inflammation. But aloe can help to alleviate the pain while moving on to a healthier lifestyle. A good resolution for the New Year! Click here for our Aloë Vera Juice.
Aloe Vera can extend the life
Another good resolution for the up coming year is to take care of your health. One study proves that the intake of raw or processed aloe increases the average life span (ten percent) and slowed the doubling time of sterberates. In addition, there was a positive effect when using aloe on age-related diseases. All groups receiving aloe, less lethal leukemia was observed. In addition, no toxic side-effects occurred when taking aloe vera. So enjoy your life and its beautiful moments! Click here for the source
More information about Aloe Vera and information about our product you can find on our webshop.
See more benefits of Aloe Vera in this video
Aloe Vera is a food supplement, it will not replace your medicines. The information in this blog is based on several studies about Aloe Vera.